What is changing regarding Enjin Coin (ENJ) on BISON and why?
ENJ is currently issued on two chains: Ethereum (ERC-20 ENJ) and the Enjin Relaychain. BISON currently supports trading and withdrawals for ERC-20 ENJ. Enjin plans to fully transition from the Ethereum blockchain to the Enjin Relaychain.
Why is trading of Enjin Coin (ENJ) being discontinued on BISON?
The Enjin Relaychain is not supported by BISON. As a result, trading of ENJ on BISON is being discontinued. If you hold ENJ on BISON, it’s now important to take action.
Until when can I buy Enjin Coin (ENJ) on BISON?
You can no longer buy Enjin Coin (ENJ) on BISON.
Until when can I sell Enjin Coin (ENJ) on BISON?
You can sell Enjin Coin (ENJ) on BISON until 28 January 2025, 12:00 CET. After this, selling of Enjin Coin (ENJ) on BISON will be discontinued.
Please consider selling your ERC-20 ENJ. We cannot predict how the value of the cryptocurrency will develop.
How can I withdraw Enjin Coin (ENJ) from BISON?
You can transfer your Enjin Coin (ENJ) from BISON to your external wallet via the Ethereum blockchain.
Please consider withdrawing your ERC-20 ENJ before 28 January 2025, 12:00 CET. We cannot predict how the value of the cryptocurrency will develop.
Please note that due to the new Transfer of Funds Regulation (ToFR) and the associated requirements for proof of ownership, there may currently be delays in cryptocurrency withdrawals. More information about ToFR can be found here.
What impact does the delisting of Enjin Coin have on my ENJ holdings at BISON?
You can withdraw your ENJ via the Ethereum blockchain or sell them on BISON until 28 January 2025, 12:00 CET. BISON will continue to support withdrawals for ERC-20 ENJ on the Ethereum blockchain after this date.
In the meantime, Enjin Coin (ENJ) will no longer be displayed in the market overview. The ERC-20 ENJ you currently hold will still be visible in your portfolio and securely stored with us.
What happens if I do not withdraw my ENJ or sell them by 28 January 2025?
If you do not withdraw your ERC-20 ENJ or sell them by 28 January 2025, 12:00 CET, your Enjin coins will remain in our secure custody.
However, these Enjin coins will no longer be tradable on BISON and can only be transferred via the Ethereum blockchain. Direct transfer via the new Enjin Relaychain will not be possible.
Please consider withdrawing or selling your ERC-20 ENJ before the deadline. We cannot predict how the value of the cryptocurrency will develop.
Please note that due to the new Transfer of Funds Regulation (ToFR) and the associated requirements for proof of ownership, there may currently be delays in cryptocurrency withdrawals. More information about ToFR can be found here.
How long does it take to withdraw ENJ?
The custody of your cryptocurrencies at BISON follows a multi-step security process. After a successful security check, the withdrawal will be approved, and your ENJ will then be on their way to your wallet.
Please note that due to the new Transfer of Funds Regulation (ToFR) and the associated requirements for proof of ownership, there may currently be delays in cryptocurrency withdrawals. More information about ToFR can be found here.
What happens to existing limit and stop orders for ENJ?
Your buy orders have already been deleted. Your open limit and stop orders for selling ENJ will be automatically deleted before the trading is discontinued on 28 January 2025, 12:00 CET.
What happens to my existing savings plans for ENJ?
Your savings plans for ENJ have already been deleted.
Do you need more information?
If you would like to learn more about the migration to the Enjin Relaychain, please refer to the Help Center provided by Enjin at the following link: https://support.enjin.io/hc/en-gb/articles/15492796894737-How-to-migrate-ERC20-ENJ-EFI-tokens-to-Native-ENJ